It all begins with an Idea…

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or perhaps you have a creative project to share with the world.

I often found myself caught in the challenging situation between trying to make ends meet financially and striving to be the very best Solo Parent I could possibly be for my son. It was 2018/2019 and I had run a Wedding Florist for nearly two years, but the struggle was real! I hadn’t been in Perth long and breaking into an already saturated industry was tough. It’s hard enough running a ship solo, let alone a business, and competing with all of Perth.

I needed to come up with an idea that was not only different and unique but also truly distinctive and unlike anything currently seen in Perth. It was essential for me to think creatively and innovate in a way that would capture attention and stand out in a vibrant city known for its diverse events and decorations.

After researching Pinterest and Instagram accounts from International Party People, I started trialing with different textures, fabrics, and ribbons. Some ideas worked out really well, while others didn’t meet expectations. And that’s perfectly okay - you truly never know unless you give it a genuine try. I believe in embracing new experiences, so I’ll try anything at least once!

I sat on my living room floor, with some scissors, my then 3-year-old son, and started cutting plastic. The last $30 I had to my name in that week’s pay cheque went to plastic. With every piece hand cut and hand attached, I loved the final product. Friends and Family were a little unsure - and a little “ Oh here goes one of Jasmin’s ideas again” - but I knew I had something.

With the first photo shoot locked and loaded in a quaint old building in the city - I offered my Backdrop for Free in exchange for some professional photos. The collaborative shoot involved stylists, picnic hire, hair, makeup, and a clothing line. So I instantly gained 6 new Instagram followers, and I honestly couldn’t have been more chuffed about it. It felt like a wonderful little boost to my online presence and made me eager to connect with everyone.

From just one memorable shoot, the concept of Epic Installs was born. As word began to spread, queries started flooding in through various channels—emails, messages, and social media inquiries. It quickly became clear that I now needed to figure out the intricate details and complexities of running the business successfully.

But as my Dad always says, “Just Wing It, and everything will work out in the end.”


Coming Soon…